Evan M. Carter, MLA
Laboratory Technician
Evan investigates the spatiotemporal regulation of chemokine receptors and integrins in inflamed tissue and studies immune cell migration in cancer. He joined the lab in April 2021 to assist in experiments, provide administrative support, and maintain the lab. In May 2024, he earned his master's degree in biology from the Extension School at Harvard University. His thesis research, Spatiotemporal Reassortment of Th1 Migratory Receptors in Inflamed Skin, was conducted in the Fowell Lab with co-advising by Dr. Jim Morris at HES.
Born in Chicago and raised near Northwestern University, Evan first participated in research through a rotation program in NU's Center for Reproductive Science. He worked as an undergraduate researcher at Syracuse University in the Behavioral Medicine Research Group/Pain & Addiction Research (PAR) Lab with Dr. Joseph W. Ditre, and studied sleep disruption and stress in research courses with Dr. Les A. Gellis. He also has 5 years of clinical experience as a technician in emergency medicine and cardiology.
Between class and lab, Evan enjoys playing chess, painting, and spending weekends in the Adirondacks.
Master's thesis: https://nrs.harvard.edu/URN-3:HUL.INSTREPOS:37378586